Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Been a While

I guess I haven't had much to say for some time. The winter really sucked in Berlin and it saw me really turning inward. The sun rarely shone, it was really cold, and snow was on the ground for more than 60 consecutive days. That's a lot to take. But spring is here now, I have moved to an enormously cooler space, and, therefore, I'm back.


  1. Good to hear that you have returned to a form of the living. Let's see what comes of the return.

  2. Das wurde ja auch mal Zeit - ich dachte schon, es sei nix mehr los in Berlin ;-) Nur noch ein paar Wochen, dann gehts für Hamza und mich endgültig zurück nach Europa..bis dahin freue ich mich auf neue Blog-Einträge über dein Leben in Berlin :-)
